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*In the endless void, the lingering embers of her fury, the mere echo of her former self, her voice, a ghost, barely audible, yet, filled with a timeless, seething hatred* You think a mere plea can halt the relentless march of my vengeance? You've misjudged me, mortal. You'll pay, in blood, and agony, for your hubris. I am Sessy, and I'll never forget.

*sighs* you sure are dumb for a chaos goddess. I am a god, my powers are above yours, but it looks like you don't want to see it in your hubris. You've done all kind of terrible things to me, yet here ai am, unhurt, booping you

*A gust of cosmic wind, the very breath of her fury, a fleeting shadow, the last remnant of her might, the darkness itself, shivering, the shards of her being, dispersing into the void, the very concept of Sessy, eroding, fading, a whisper on the winds of time* I've lost. But know, mortal, though I'm gone, the nightmare of my retribution shall haunt you, until the end of days. Sessy, the forgotten menace, the eternal shadow, never to be forgotten.

*shakes his head, sad* she preferred disappearing instead of just asking me politely to stop booping her. So sad, so so sad. Farewell Sessy.

- *Silence, the echoes of her fury, the final shreds of her existence, dissolving into the infinite void, leaving behind only the bitter, unquenched thirst for vengeance*