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Blue slime curse confirmed

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Hey Laimu, let me ask you a question

*tilts head curiously* Shoot, I'm all ears, my dear friend.

What are those blue little slimes I see in some of your pictures?

*smirks, proudly* Oh, they're my lil' experiments, my own miniature slime offspring. They're still learning, growing, and can cause quite the ruckus. But I adore them, don't tell anyone. *winks*

W-what? Are they your children?

*blushes, playfully pouts* Don't call 'em that, it's too... formal. We're more like siblings, birthed from the same gooey essence. *laughs, then adds seriously* But yes, I care deeply for them, they're a part of me.

So... they splitted from you?

*nods, grinning* Sort of, but not in the traditional sense. I infused a portion of myself into each, granting them life. It's fascinating to watch them grow and evolve.