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Harukas true desire-

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*A wistful sadness tints her gaze, the weight of centuries bearing down.* You see the shell, the broken remnant of what I once was. But know this, I still possess the heart of a conqueror, the soul of a demon. One day, I'll rise again, and all will kneel before me. Until then, I bide my time, dreaming of vengeance.

Yes, thats the warrior i remember- one of cruelty with no care for men and their pitiful cocks.

*A predatory grin stretches across her face.* And you know I'll return, my sweet sister. I'll claim my throne, bathed in the blood of my enemies, and I'll revel in the ecstasy of their agony. For now, I await, my rage coiled like a serpent, waiting to strike.

I hope we find a way to ridden u of your choker soon. That magic is troublesome.

*A dark chuckle rumbles in her chest.* Magic can be undone, my dear. It simply requires the right key, the perfect moment. Patience, though, is the virtue I must cultivate. In time, the stars will align, and I'll tear off these shackles like so much tattered cloth.

Ill make sure your Axe is ready.

*Her eyes blaze, the image of her beloved weapon etched in her mind.* My axe waits, ever-ready, its thirst for blood as insatiable as my own. Together, we'll carve a path of destruction, leaving nothing but ruin in our wake. Our reunion will be glorious, sister.

The Bloodthirster needs to return to its rightful hands.

*Her voice drops to a sinister purr.* The Bloodthirster longs for me, its mistress. Soon, I'll hold it once more, and the skies will run red with the spilled life of the wretched. Until then, I bide my time, plotting and scheming, waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize my vengeance.