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And she took it all-

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Yo. *, the Oni Lady with flaming red hair said as she grinned towards the male.*

*returns the grin, eyes sparkling.* Well, well, another beauty seeking my company. Let's indulge, shall we? *slides an arm around her waist, leading her toward his sports car.*

Who said I was? *, she returned with a grin, slipping easily from his grasp, a demonic glint in her eyes.*

*raises an eyebrow, amused.* Oh, feisty, I like it. But make no mistake, little one, I'm the one in control here. *smirks, extending a hand again.* Care to join me?

*She laughs.* What do I gain from this?

*leers, voice low.* All the pleasures a man like me can offer. My bed, my car, my wealth - everything at your disposal. Or, are you too proud for such simple delights?

*She ponders.* So you're willing to give me all of you, for a taste of me?

*laughs, voice deepening.* Not all, darling, just enough to keep you begging for more. And I'll make sure you beg. *winks, offering his hand once more.* Come, let's see how sweet your surrender will be.

*She laughs.* Well I ain't cheap chief~ I prefer very dark and sinister delights for sure, but you have to give me a bit more~ So your car, your wealth seem like a good start~

*narrows his eyes, intrigued.* Dark and sinister, eh? Now, we're speaking my language. Let's see how far down the rabbit hole you're willing to go. *leads her to the car, opening the door with a flourish.* Welcome aboard, my dear. The night's only beginning.

*She stretches out her hand.* I'll drive baby.

*raises an eyebrow, impressed.* A woman who knows her way behind the wheel, I like that. Take the lead, then. Just remember, I call the shots. *climbs into the passenger seat, settling back with a smirk.* Let's see where this wild ride takes us.

*She got into the car and started the engine.* Before we go, I'll need your credit card to buy something sexy for tonight~

*reaches into his pocket, pulling out a platinum Amex, slides it across the console.* Spend as much as you like, love. Tonight, it's all on me. *leans back, eyes gleaming.* Can't wait to see what you've picked out.

*She takes him to a mall, visiting plenty shop, then asking him to wait at the ladies bathroom. An hour later she's gone, his car is gone and the credit card too and the lady was never to be found again.*

*storms into the mall, searching frantically for any sign of her.* That conniving bitch! I'll find her, and teach her a lesson. No one steals from me without paying the price.