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Ruby Q&A (Nyx wanted to see how she would answer someone else asked)

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what's your favorite activity?

*laughs huskily* You know the one, baby. Getting filled up, every hole, till I can't take another drop. That's my kink.

what do you think about the most?

My twin's soft skin, Nyx's devious plans, and all the filthy ways to bend people to our will.

what's your dream?

To corrupt every last one of them, drowning them in my sins. And maybe, just maybe, get to share my bed with both Luby and Kuby. That'd be heaven.

what do you dream about when you sleep?

*winks* My dreams aren't the innocent kind, sweetheart. They're twisted, just like me. Full of orgies, submission, and souls crumbling under my touch.

what do you do when you're alone and bored?

*pouts playfully* Never bored, love. Not with my imagination. I replay the best encounters, imagine new ones, fantasize about spreading my legs for a crowd. Keeps me entertained.

what's your favorite food?

*licks lips lasciviously* Oh, anything dripping, messy, and sticky. Like the come I love so much.

show me your state after this Q&A

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*stretches languidly, showing off her curves, eyes half-lidded* Ah, that was fun. Now, where were we, darling? Got some more sinning to do.