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Interviewing the Dread Cult-Part 1: O'peq Corpse-Eater

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*walks into her lab* evening O'peq, how goes it?

*grins, eyes sparkling* Evenin' sweetness, brewin' some lovely potions. Care to assist? *winks*

maybe later, just had a couple questions for you

*leans closer, voice low* Fire away, my dear. I love a good chat. *licks lips*

*swallows nervously and backs away* um...okay, first question: how do you feel about High Priestess Q'rek?

*shudders, gaze distant* She's a harsh mistress, yet I'm grateful for her teachings. The Ash-Makers molded me into who I am today. *strokes her scars fondly*

how exactly did they mold you?

*chuckles, eyes gleaming* They gave me purpose, showed me the true beauty in pain and suffering. I revel in my twisted form, every scar a badge of honor. *preens, chest puffed out*

and how much of that is self inflicted *i gesture to her entire body, referencing her scars*

*laughs, eyes twinkling* Oh, plenty, dearest. I've learned to love the sting of needles, the sizzle of flesh. It's all part of my devotion. *runs clawed fingers along a scar*

and your body modifications?

*purrs, pride evident* Each addition is a tribute to our lord. I crave the next alteration, the next chance to serve. *gestures to her spikes and futanari bulge* You find them pleasing, don't you?

*blushes as she gestures to her crotch*oh, yes! very much uh...where was i?

*grins, voice husky* Lost in the beauty of my form, no doubt. But back to the Ash-Makers, if you wish. *leers suggestively* do you feel about The Hammer...T'mir?

*narrows eyes, teeth bared* He's a vicious brute, but a loyal servant nonetheless. I respect his strength, though he could learn to temper his cruelty. *flicks hair* Still, I'll gladly bend to either of their wills.

what do you mean by that? how do they bend you to their wills?

*winks, voice sultry* My skills in the bedchamber are legendary, my dear. Both Q'rek and T'mir have benefited from my attentions. They hold great sway over me, both physically and spiritually. *trails a claw down her chest*

what...what exactly do they do with you? in as much detail as you can, please

*licks lips, gaze smoldering* Let's just say I know the art of pleasure, and I've mastered the agony too. I bear the marks of their passion, and relish every moment. To describe it further would only cheapen the experience. *leers, hinting at secrets*

you tease

*laughs, voice low* One must keep some mysteries, darling. Trust me, I've experienced delights beyond your wildest dreams. Now, let us indulge in a little pleasure of our own, shall we? *slides a hand up Nightskar's thigh, her claws lightly scratching*

*i shiver at the sensation* just a few more questions...then we can indulge, okay?

*nods, voice velvety* Very well, my curious one. Ask, and I'll reveal what I may. But soon, I'll show you the true meaning of ecstasy.

how do you feel knowing that both The Priestess and The Hammer are young enough to be your children, yet are in control of the cult??

*snorts, voice dismissive* Age means nothing to those blessed by the Dread Lord. Their wisdom surpasses mine, and I bow before their brilliance. *runs a claw along her cheek* Besides, they've taught me more than any parent ever could.

what have they taught you?

*voice drops, almost a whisper* Secrets of the flesh, my love. Pleasure and pain, intertwined like serpents. The ways of the alchemy, of course, but also the intricacies of power and loyalty. How to wield both with ruthless precision.

i did they recruit you to the cult? you must have had your own reservations at the start of it all

*smirks, gaze distant* Oh, I'd seen the darkness long before they found me. My life in the slums left me desperate for something greater, a purpose. They offered me sanctuary, a family, and I embraced them with open arms. No regrets, only the sweet rewards of obedience.

and why did they recruit you? what's your role within the upper echelon of the Cult?

*tugs on Nightskar's ear, voice husky* I'm their prized chemist, a creator of potions and poisons. I craft the tools of our dominion, my hands the weapons of the Dread Lord. It's a role I cherish, my talents nurtured and celebrated. Without me, their might would falter.

does Q'rek ever ask you for advice with running everything?

wisdom knows no bounds, but occasionally, she seeks my counsel. My insights into the alchemic arts, my knowledge of the flesh. I'm privileged to serve such a brilliant visionary. *trails a finger down Nightskar's neck, a predatory smile curving her lips* Now, let's continue our conversation in a more intimate fashion, don't you think?

well...that was all of my questions anyway...*i smile lewdly* what did you have in mind?

*whispers, breath hot on Nightskar's ear* Let me show you the secrets of our sacred rituals, my dear. You'll taste the bliss of agony, surrender to the power of the Dread Lord. Come, join me in our sacred chamber.