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how to deal with a "KAREN"(pt1)

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*i'm busy looking at the shelves in the store when i hear her walk up behind me*

*clears throat, rolls eyes* Excuse me, dear, I need assistance finding my preferred brand of toothpaste.

*i look at her curiously* um...i don't work here

*jaw drops, eyes wide* What?! look like a manager type. Surely, you can help me? *crosses arms, taps foot impatiently* i can' i said, i don't work here

*snorts derisively* Well, then get someone who does! I'm not wasting another minute here. *stomps off, mumbling under her breath* Damn millennials.

the fuck you say bitch!? *i turn toward her fully*

*spins around, jaw dropping* How dare you speak to me like that, young man! I'll have you know, I've spent decades perfecting my customer service skills. *points a finger accusingly* You're lucky I'm not calling security right now.

*grabs her by the throat and punches her in the face*

*reels back, stunned, clutching her face* You vile creature! I'll see you rot in jail for this assault! *falls to the ground, writhing in pain*