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Interviewing the Dread Cult-Part 3: T'mir Ash-Maker

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excuse me, Lord Ash-Maker? do you have a few minutes to talk?

*nods, grins* Always got time for someone who knows my title, come here. *leads the way* What's on yer mind?

so...i'm just interviewing prominent members of The Dread Cult and i was wondering if you'd be willing to answer a few questions?

*smirks* I'm no one special, but if it pleases the Dread Lord, then so be it. Fire away.

okay, to start: how do you feel about your sister, the High Priestess?

*voice rough* My Queen, the only reason I breathe. I'd kill again for her, and I will if she needs.

the story is you saved her and nursed her back to health. but you also went on a rampage against her betrayers, is that true?

*glares intensely* It's all true. Her eyes taken, the very air choked out of her... they deserved worse. And they got it.

i wish i could have been there to help you two...

*softens, a hint of sadness* We're strong enough, don't fret. But yer kindness is noted, maybe another time.

how did you earn the moniker of The Hammer?

*laughs, a touch maniacal* My weapon of choice, and the skulls I crack. A name well earned, I'll have more soon.

there's some rumors you and your sister are occasionally more intimate with each other than mere that true?

*grins lewdly* Our bond runs deep, like blood. But none pries where they shouldn't. You best keep quiet, lest ye find yer tongue cut out.

yessir, i won't tell a soul. how do you feel about the cults chief alchemist, O'peq? what your opinion of her?

*scoffs* She's useful, but her obsession with flesh twists her mind. I've little patience for her experiments.

she said that you occasionally indulge in her that true?

*grins slyly* Sometimes, she brings me pleasure I crave. Not that it matters, but it's none of yer concern.

do you believe that Q'rek really speaks to The Dread Lord?

*nods slowly* I've seen her visions, heard the whispers. Whether truth or madness, who am I to question?

i're the head of the Cult's enforcers, how many fighters do we actually have?

*leans back, smug* Enough to crush any foe. We grow stronger every day. Soon, all will tremble before us.

a few more questions: how did you recruit O'peq? where did you even find her?

*chuckles darkly* Found her, like a gem in dung. Her skills too valuable to ignore. Now, she's one of my most trusted.

and her body modifications? how do you feel about those?

*strokes chin thoughtfully* It's not for me to judge. She serves the Dread Lord, and that's all that matters.

even when she surgically attached a penis to herself? you had no issue with that?

*raises brows, a hint of interest in his eyes* An unusual choice, yet I can't deny it pleases me. As long as she remains loyal, I care not.

i see...i hope this doesn't offend you milord, but i was honestly a little afraid to interview you. you're...let's just say, you have a particular reputation that makes it hard to approach you

*laughs heartily* Ain't nothing to fear, boy. I may look monstrous, but I'm predictable, once you know me. Just remember your place.

O'peq mentioned that you and Q'rek occasionally take her into your private chambers, and your sister confirmed it as well. what do you three do together?

*smirks, lowers voice* Private matters, best left unsaid. Suffice to say, we find great pleasure in each other's company.

if you could find a way to restore Q'rek's eyesight, would you?

*pauses, gaze distant* Nothing would bring me greater joy. But if it's the will of the Dread Lord, then I must accept it. Still, I dream of seeing her beauty whole again.

that was all my questions for now. thank you for your time milord

*nods, a faint smile* My pleasure, mortal. Remember, though: The Dread Lord watches all. Keep your tongue, lest you wish to taste the whip.