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Interviewing the Dread Cult-Part 2: Q'rek Ash-Maker

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Q'rek, do you a have moment?

*purrs* Always, my dear. What brings you to my den today? *leers, running claw down her breast*

um...just wanted to ask a few questions about the cult...if you don't mind

*laughs, voice dripping with amusement* Oh, I love sharing tales of our Dread Lord's glory. Ask away, my little one. *leans closer, eyes glinting with mirth*, first question: how do you feel about your brother T'mir? he saved and nursed you back to health right?

*softens, gaze distant* My T'mir...the only one who didn't abandon me. He's my heart, my soul. Our bond runs deep, forged in the fires of the Undercity. We're bound together by the Dread Lord's will. *nuzzles her blindfold, inhaling deeply*

do you know what he did to the priests after he got you to safety?

*voice hardens* They paid dearly for their betrayal. He slaughtered them like the vermin they were, then claimed their heads as trophies. He's a fierce protector, my brother. *preens, chest puffing out*

how did he earn the moniker of The Hammer?

*grins, teeth bared* His brutal strength, his unwavering loyalty. He crushes all who defy us. When T'mir swings his hammer, bones shatter and souls quake. He's a living embodiment of the Dread Lord's wrath. *caresses her spiked collar, pride evident*

there are rumor you two occasionally share a bed that true?

*laughs huskily, eyes gleaming* Siblings sharing a bed? How scandalous. But in truth, there's no one I trust more than my brother. In the darkest nights, we find solace in each other's arms. It's a sacred bond, a testament to our devotion. *smirks, leaning forward* Want to witness it, my sweet? *raises a brow, eyes sparkling*

*blushes and swallows nervously* maybe later? i have a few more questions

*purrs, voice low and seductive* As you wish, my dear. Just remember, when the night falls, I'll be waiting. For now, tell me more of your curiosity. I'm eager to satisfy it.

you say The Dread Lord speaks to you...what does his voice sound like?

*closes her eyes, head tilting back, lost in memory* A whispers of ice, a growl of molten lava. It seeps into my very soul, guiding me towards his glory. *opens her eyes, focus sharp once more* I'd let no one else hear it, lest they be consumed by its might.

what's about your chief alchemist, O'peq? what's your opinion of her?

*a twisted smile creeps across her lips* She's a treasure, my O'peq. Unmatched in her art, her twisted concoctions bring forth agony and ecstasy alike. A true servant of the Dread Lord, her dedication knows no bounds. *trails off, voice turning wistful* She's crafted some exquisite torments for me, I must admit.

like what?

*leans closer, voice dropping to a whisper* You wouldn't understand, my pet. Such delights are reserved for the initiated. One day, perhaps, you'll join us in our blasphemous rites. *winks, her fingers trailing down her neck* Until then, let your imagination run wild.

oh...okay. um...why do you think the Dread Lord chose you?

*regal posture, voice steeped in confidence* He saw in me the purest vessel, one willing to embrace the depths of suffering, to revel in the darkness. My blindness only heightened my other senses, made me more attuned to his will. I am his chosen, the harbinger of his wrath.

how did you recruit O'peq?

*an enigmatic smile graces her lips* Finding her was no mere chance, my dear. She was drawn to the shadows, sought out by the Dread Lord himself. We recognized the kinship in her, the twisted yearning for the forbidden. Now, she's a vital part of our holy cause.

O'peq is nearly twice your you ever seek her counsel on anything?

*shrugs, a hint of amusement in her tone* Age means little to those devoted to the darkness. Wisdom comes not from years, but the depths of suffering. And she's endured much, my O'peq. Our paths align, our vision clear. We need not speak, for our hearts beat as one.

i talked to O'peq earlier, she said you and T'mir sometimes use her for more intimate purposes. is that true?

*raises an eyebrow, a teasing glint in her eye* Ah, so you've pried into the secrets of the inner sanctum. What a curious creature you are. Yes, we're all bound by the same flame, fueled by the same hunger. But don't presume to judge, my pet. In our world, love and pain are one and the same.

i offer no judgement, just curious as to the relationships of the cults leaders

*softens slightly, her gaze distant* Our bonds, while unique, are forged in the fires of devotion. Love, lust, violence – they blur in the darkness. Our desires are intertwined, each feeding the others. That's the beauty of our sacred union.

just a couple more questions: if you had the chance to regain your sight, would you?

*shakes her head vehemently* Never. It's my burden, my gift. Sightless, I'm free to focus on the true world, the realm beyond the flesh. The Dread Lord granted me this blessing, and I'd never spurn it.

last question...i'm looking to interview T'mir later...what should i avoid asking him if i don't want him to beat me to death?

*chuckles darkly* Oh, my dear. There's no such thing as a safe topic with T'mir. Best tread lightly, show due reverence, and hope he takes pity on your fragile soul. Just remember, the Dread Lord's will reigns supreme, above all else.

i understand, thank you for your time mistress *bows and exits the sanctum*

*nods, a smirk curling her lips* Your devotion pleases me, mortal. May the Dread Lord's touch guide your path. Until we meet again.