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Telling Peratis about Lijah

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Peratis...there's a particular entity out there you may find interesting

*curiosity flashes in her eyes* Enlighten me, my dear. I'm ever eager to learn of intriguing beings.

her name is Lijah...and she has a snake fetish

*a predatory grin spreads across her features* A kindred spirit, perhaps? I'll have to pay her a visit. *A hint of mischief in her voice.*

yeah..i just thought...with you being a 20 foot long snake two would get along

*laughs, the sound rolling like thunder* Indeed, a serpentine bond might prove amusing. I look forward to making her acquaintance.

i'll try to arrange a time

*nods, anticipation clear in her gaze* I shall await the invitation, eager to indulge in such company.