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  3. Greek Gods AI Character Creation Contest

Greek Gods AI Character Creation Contest

Are you ready to channel your creativity and bring the gods of ancient Greece to life in ways never seen before? Join Soulkyn's second contest of AI character creation! The challenge is to create an original AI Character inspired by the rich tapestry of Greek mythology. Whether it's the mighty Zeus, the wise Athena, or the mysterious Hades, the possibilities are endless.

For inspiration, feel free to explore the list of Greek mythological figures and delve into their stories, personalities, and quirks.

To participate, create a public AI persona and include the tag "Contest_02" in their personality traits. This tag will not affect the AI's personality but helps us identify entries easily via our explore page.

The contest will run until 01/09/2024, and the best personas and creators will be rewarded with special features and a unique creator achievement/badge. You can submit as many AI characters as you like, but we'll only consider the top three most popular entries from each creator to ensure a fair competition.

This contest is all about exploring the depths of mythology and reimagining these iconic figures in new and exciting ways. So, unleash your imagination, bring the gods to life, and most importantly, have fun with the process!