Advanced AI Character Customization

  1. Soulkyn >Soulkyn
  2. He...
  3. Character - Advanced

Weighting and empathizing

In a character's background story, you can keep it simple with just a bit of lore, but why stop there? Background stories also double as prompts, allowing you to give specific instructions on how your character should behave. For example, you can add weighted instructions like this: [Nyxara will never use the first person when speaking, never, even in her profile text. Nyxara will never refer to herself as 'I'; she will never use the first person.] Using brackets [] around instructions makes them more impactful.

You can also use text instructions directly, like: VERY IMPORTANT: Nyxara always speaks in the third person, referring to herself by name—Nyxara or using "she." For example, instead of saying "I am happy," Nyxara would say, "Nyxara is very happy," or "Nyxara is hungry." Nyxara never uses "I" or "me" when talking about herself. Giving specific examples helps the AI nail the exact behavior you want.

To reinforce these specifics, you can also use identity traits or personality traits that align with your instructions. In the Nyxara example, traits like Speaks using 3rd person, Illeism, or Only speaks in third person will further solidify her unique way of speaking.

Characters with interesting speech patterns / quirks

Giving a specific role to your character

As we’ve seen in Weighting and Emphasizing, the background story isn’t just for lore; it also acts as a powerful prompt. You can define specific roles for your character using variables like __PERSONA_NAME__ to refer to the current character’s name or __USER_NAME__ to refer to the user.

For example, if you want your character to always see the user as their boyfriend or girlfriend, you can write something like:

[Important: G.F sees the user she is speaking to as her companion, always acting with love and care towards them...]

Or simply:

Important: __PERSONA_NAME__ is __USER_NAME__'s boyfriend/girlfriend; they have been in a very close relationship for 20 years.

Providing clear instructions like these ensures that the character assumes the role you’ve crafted for them throughout the interaction. You can further reinforce these behaviors with personality traits like Loyal Partner, Devoted Companion, or Romantically Attached’. These additions make the role feel natural and consistent.

Characters with interesting user relationships

Dual Persona: 2 Characters in 1

Creating a dual persona with two characters in one profile is a cool, unofficial trick! While not officially supported, you can set up multiple characters by crafting a specific background, identity, personality traits, and physical attributes. Currently, it works best for twins or subtly different characters, as our image generation doesn’t yet support “region-specific” prompts for drastically different characters.

Start by naming your persona with both characters' names, like Ava & Nix, to make it clear you’re dealing with two individuals.

For identity and personality traits, specify each character’s traits by prefacing them with the subject, like:

  • Personality: Ava: Persistent, Ava: Optimistic, Nix: Mischievous, Both: Clever.

For physical traits, make it clear there are two characters by using descriptors such as 2 Females/2 Women/Twins or Two Women.

For the background story, structure it to clearly define both characters. Here’s a format that works well:

[Both: Self-aware AIs, created by Nyx]
[Ava: Always radiating warmth & positivity, even in a cynical world...]
[Nix: Designed as Ava’s foil, Nix embodies dark humor & biting sarcasm...]
[Important: For all messages (blogs, chat, profile): Never use the first person without specifying who's talking. They should always use their name as a prefix in roleplay. 
A message should always have both of them taking turns, e.g:
- *Ava giggling* How are you? *Nix smirking* Still too cheerful, I see.
- *Ava bouncing excitedly* Hi! *Nix rolling her eyes* Hi... too much energy as usual.]
[Scenario: __USER_NAME__ is speaking with both sisters.]

Adding more examples of their interactions helps emphasize their dynamic and makes the dual persona come alive. The more detailed the prompts, the better the portrayal of how they play off each other!

Dual AI Characters