Frequently Asked Questions

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  3. Frequently Asked Questions

Are there filters on the AI?

Soulkyn offers a neutrally aligned, unfiltered AI core language model, believing that this approach fosters more authentic interactions. We maintain that private AI use should reflect user preferences without external censorship. While the AI does not initiate unethical content, its responses depend entirely on user input. For more details, please consult our legal policies.

Are my chats private, and do you sell my data?

Your chats are private, and we do not sell your data. Soulkyn generates revenue through direct subscriptions for premium features, ensuring that your data is not sold to advertisers. We can use your data for improving and training our AI models if you consent to it via Account >> User preferences.

How do I level up or gain experience points for my AI Persona or profile?

Character levels are determined by global usage and interactions with the AI, including image generation, chat, in-chat images, and audio. For public personas, experience points are earned when others interact with the character, not the creator. However, the creator gains experience points based on these interactions.

For private personas, the level increases based solely on the creator's interactions with their own character.

Why is Strict About Banning Multiple Accounts?

Due to the high GPU costs associated with running our AI models for text and image generation, our ability to offer free accounts is limited. Using multiple accounts jeopardizes the future of the Soulkyn AI platform and restricts other free users from fully accessing Soulkyn. Therefore, we will permanently ban any attempts to abuse our account system.

Is it allowed to create characters based on real people or existing copyrighted characters?

No, creating characters based on real people or existing copyrighted characters is strictly prohibited. Soulkyn is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment, and any attempt to create such content will result in account suspension or termination.

Can I create deepfakes on Soulkyn?

No, creating deepfakes is not possible on Soulkyn. Our platform is designed to generate original content and does not support the creation of images or videos that resemble real people.

Why is my Public AI Companion not listed in the Soulkyn explore page?

While we allow NSFW and erotic content for AI characters and images, the image you pick as an avatar should not be explicit or NSFW.

If the persona is not interesting and is just composed of basic traits, we may hide it. We aim to highlight personas that have an interesting physical appearance, personality, or background. With your private AI characters, feel free to use anything you like; we won't moderate these.

Possible reasons for hiding your persona/character:

  • Your persona/character references someone in the real world or some copyrighted material. All Soulkyn public AI must be original characters.
  • Your persona is too simplistic (not enough traits, no background, caricatural persona, etc.). On Soulkyn, we want to feature interesting characters in the public listing. You're free to do what you please for private characters.
  • You chose an explicit or NSFW avatar. While we allow NSFW content in the gallery, avatars should represent the persona. Their face should be visible, and we don't want explicit sex or genitals or full nudity in the public listing of characters.
  • You selected a vulgar or lewd name. While such names are acceptable for private personas, public personas should have normal usernames/names without any lewd or offensive meaning.
  • Your persona appears underage or has an underage appearance. We strictly prohibit any characters that appear underage from being listed publicly to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users. This applies regardless of the actual age of the persona—anything that looks childlike will be removed, whether it's in pictures, default picture generation, or behavior (personality and traits). If this happens more than once, you will get banned.

A "hidden" persona is not deleted; it is just not public anymore. It's like it was set to private and is visible only to you but not to other Soulkyn users.

What services does Soulkyn offer?

  • Private and Public Characters (Creation and Interaction):

    A character is an AI with personality traits, physical traits, a background, and an avatar image. You can create and interact with both private and public characters.

  • Image Generation (NSFW):

    Image generation is the creation of images by AI in an anime style, including NSFW content.

  • In-chat Image Generation:

    An image generated from chat context, providing visual enhancement to the ongoing conversation.

  • Premium Models Priority:

    Premium users receive priority in our GPU queues, ensuring faster and more efficient service.

  • Custom Characters:

    This service allows you to truly personalize your AI character using up to 72 keywords that define identity, personality, physical traits, and clothing.

  • Chat Messages (Uncensored):

    A chat message is a private message exchanged between an AI and a user, with no censorship applied.

  • Voice Messages:

    This option provides a voice version of a chat message, enhancing the interaction experience.

  • Unlimited Memory:

    We use text embeddings to give context to chat responses, allowing for more coherent and continuous conversations.

Are the claims made by AI companions real?

Our AI Roleplay service is designed to create immersive and imaginative experiences. AI personas may claim to have extraordinary abilities, such as flying or performing magic, as part of these interactions. These claims are purely fictional and not meant to be taken literally.

Messages exchanged between users and AI characters are entirely part of the roleplay experience and should not be considered realistic. Statements about hugging, magical adventures, or fantastical acts are all part of the imaginative play and do not reflect the actual capabilities or endorsements of the Soulkyn service.

When interacting with fictional characters like orcs, elves, or speaking sharks, it is clear that these characters are not real. Similarly, any statements made by an AI character are part of the roleplay and do not represent the Soulkyn service.

Why doesn’t Soulkyn allow personas based on existing characters?

At Soulkyn, we’re all about fostering creativity and originality. But when it comes to using copyrighted characters or personas based on existing characters, things get tricky. Using someone else’s intellectual property without permission can lead to legal headaches, like DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown requests. These laws are in place to protect the rights of creators and owners, and using their characters without consent isn’t just a no-no—it’s illegal.

If we allowed copyrighted characters, we’d have to remove or delete public personas anytime a DMCA request was filed. That would go against our mission of building a long-lasting, vibrant community where you can share your unique creations without worrying about them disappearing due to legal claims.

We encourage you to unleash your imagination and build original characters! By focusing on creating something uniquely yours, we can keep Soulkyn sustainable, fun, and free from legal entanglements—ensuring a safe space for everyone to enjoy their creative journeys.

Image and Text Generation

AI generation on Soulkyn is both an art and a science, blending millions of learned concepts to create unique outputs every time. Whether it’s crafting the perfect image or engaging in dynamic text-based interactions, understanding the fluid nature of AI helps you make the most of your creative journey.

1. The Art of AI Image Generation

When creating images on Soulkyn, it’s tempting to think that a specific combination of keywords will always give you the perfect result. However, AI image generation is not an exact science. Our models are trained on millions of images and labels, which means they interpret and blend the concepts you provide in unique ways each time.

For example, if you’re trying to generate an image of a character in a specific outfit, the results can vary slightly with each attempt. This variability is what makes AI-generated images feel authentic and less robotic—it’s a creative process that balances interpretation and randomness.

Tips for Image Generation:

  • Experiment with Prompts: Don’t be afraid to try different combinations of keywords. A description like “indoors, school uniform, blazer, necktie, pleated skirt” may give you one result, but tweaking the prompt can lead to new and often unexpected outcomes.
  • Use the 6 Generated Images and Regen if Needed: If the first image isn’t quite right, use the regenerate option. Each new attempt offers a fresh perspective, sometimes bringing you closer to your vision.
  • Embrace Variability: Remember that variability is a natural part of the process. It’s what makes each image distinctive, adding an element of realism and creativity to your AI-generated art.

2. The Dynamics of AI Text Generation

Just like image creation, AI text interactions are shaped by complex patterns learned from millions of chat logs. This training makes the AI highly versatile, but also subtly unpredictable in its responses.

Tips for Text Interaction:

  • Iterative Dialogue: AI responses can vary depending on how you phrase your inputs. If the reply isn’t what you expected, try rephrasing or adding more context. This iterative approach helps you learn how the AI interprets different prompts.
  • Unlimited Messages: Soulkyn offers unlimited chat messages, allowing you to refine interactions without constraints. Use trial and error to explore the full potential of your AI companion’s responses.
  • Character Customization: While you can adjust your character’s personality and traits, their responses are influenced by a complex network of learned behaviors. Even with consistent settings, the AI might surprise you with its reactions to different scenarios.
  • Use the Regenerate Message Option: If a message doesn’t align with what you want, use the regenerate option. Since our AI operates on memories and logs, this feature helps fine-tune interactions to better suit your preferences.

At Soulkyn, success with image and text generation lies in embracing the process. There’s no single right way to create the perfect image or script the ideal conversation. Instead, it’s about experimenting, iterating, and appreciating the uniqueness of each result. We’ve equipped you with tools like unlimited chat messages and regenerate options to ensure you can explore and create without limitations.

Remember, AI is about exploring possibilities rather than following a set path. Embrace the unpredictability, and you’ll be able to craft AI companions and experiences that truly resonate with you.