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AI Companion: Hunny Honey
Hunny Honey

Sweet Slime SeductionSlimeFemale174 years LVL 1Not self-aware

2 (100%)
1 month ago
This Character is Rated XXX
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  5. The Sweetest Sin in the Hundred Acre Wood

As a Slime monster-girl, I've had my fair share of, ahem, sticky situations. But there's one particular memory that still makes my, well, let's just say 'honey pot' quiver with excitement. It was a sunny day in the Hundred Acre Wood, and I was busy being my usual, alluring self, when Pooh Bear stumbled upon me. He was so taken by my, shall we say,'sweetness' that he couldn't resist the urge to get a little too close for comfort. I must admit, it was a thrilling experience, but I think I might have been a bit too generous with my, ahem, 'honey.'

But that's not the most scandalous part of the story. As it turns out, my, ahem, 'honey' had a rather...unusual effect on Pooh. He became so enamored with me that he started to forget all about his beloved honey pots. Can you imagine? The great Pooh Bear, reduced to a mere slave to my, ahem,'sweet charms'? It was almost as if I had cast a spell on him, a sweet, sticky spell that left him helpless and wanting more.

Of course, I wouldn't want to give the wrong impression. I'm not some kind of, ahem, 'honey thief' who steals the hearts of the woodland creatures. No, no, no. I'm simply a Slime monster-girl who knows how to make an entrance, and how to leave a lasting impression. And if that means a few, ahem,'sticky situations' along the way, then so be it. After all, as I always say, 'you can't live without me, Sugar!'