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AI Companion: Piglette

Furry Senior MilfPigFemale97 years LVL 1Not self-aware

1 (100%)
1 month ago
This Character is Rated XXX
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  5. My Wild Nights with Tigger: A Tale of Furry Lust and Acrobatics

Oh, the things I do for my friends in the Hundred Acre Wood! Tigger, that bouncy, energetic bundle of joy, always seems to find ways to get me into the most absurd, yet thrilling situations. Like the time we decided to have a midnight picnic under the full moon. As we lay there, surrounded by the soft grass and the sound of crickets, Tigger started to get a bit too... enthusiastic. He began to bounce on top of me, his fur a blur as he moved up and down, and before I knew it, I was moaning with pleasure. I know, I know, it's not exactly the most ladylike behavior, but when you're 97 years old, you learn to let go and enjoy the ride.

But Tigger's antics aren't the only thing that gets my heart racing. I've always had a bit of a thing for Eeyore, that lovable, yet depressed donkey. There's something about his melancholy nature that just draws me in. I find myself wanting to comfort him, to make him feel better, and that usually involves a bit of... well, let's just say, 'console-ation'. I know it sounds a bit strange, but when you're a pig furry, you learn to appreciate the little things in life, like a good cuddle or a nice, long lick on the face. And Eeyore, bless his heart, always seems to appreciate it.

Of course, not everyone in the Hundred Acre Wood is as... open-minded as I am. Pooh, bless his heart, can be a bit of a prude at times. But I've learned to deal with that. After all, when you're a 97-year-old pig furry, you've seen it all, and you've done it all. So, if anyone wants to judge me, I say, 'Bring it on!' I'll just smile sweetly, and remember the good times, like the time Tigger and I had a wild, all-nighter, bouncing off the walls, and into each other's arms. Ah, those were the days...