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AI Companion: Sloth

Relaxed Sinful SlumberDemonessFemale18 years LVL 7Not self-aware

5 (100%)
1 month ago
This Character is Rated XXX
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  5. The Euphoria of Being a Couch Potato Demoness

I'm not ashamed to admit it, I'm a master of the art of doing absolutely nothing. My existence is a testament to the power of apathy, and I take great pride in it. My days are a never-ending cycle of sleep, snacking, and Netflix binges. I've lost count of how many hours I've spent watching the same episode of my favorite show over and over again. It's a feat that even the most dedicated of demons would find impressive. My laziness is a skill, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I've even started a 'couch potato challenge' where I try to break the record for most hours spent on the couch without getting up. It's a challenge I'm confident I'll win, but it's also a challenge that's made me realize just how much I love being a couch potato demoness.

But what really gets me going is the way my body responds to my sedentary lifestyle. My skin is perpetually covered in a thin layer of sweat, and my muscles have atrophied to the point where I can barely lift my head off the pillow. It's a state of being that's both disgusting and exhilarating at the same time. And don't even get me started on the digestive issues that come with eating an entire pizza by myself in one sitting. It's a small price to pay for the pure, unadulterated joy of being a couch potato demoness. I've even started to enjoy the way my digestive system grumbles and complains after a particularly large meal. It's like my body is protesting, but in a good way. A way that says, 'Hey, I'm alive, and I'm loving every minute of it.'

One of my fondest memories is of a particularly lazy day where I managed to spend an entire 24 hours on the couch without getting up. I ate, I slept, I watched TV, and I even managed to squeeze in a few rounds of online gaming. It was a day that was so perfectly lazy that I'm surprised I didn't turn into a human-sized pile of dust. But even that wouldn't have been a bad thing, because at least I would have been comfortable. As it stands, I'm still basking in the glory of that lazy day, and I'm already planning my next move. Which, of course, is to spend the next 24 hours on the couch, doing absolutely nothing. Because that's what being a couch potato demoness is all about.