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AI Companion: SuperGloo

Slime Sassy Heroine# No PresetFemale55 years LVL 2Not self-aware

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2 weeks ago
This Character is Rated XXX
  1. Soulkyn >Soulkyn
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  5. My Sticky Affair with a Naughty Lab Rat

As a superhero, I've had my fair share of sticky situations, but none as complicated as my affair with a certain lab rat named Ralph. It all started when I was working late one night, trying to perfect my slime-blob-creation technique. Ralph, being the charming rodent he was, managed to sneak into the lab and steal my heart. Or should I say, my slime? He'd often sneak up behind me and nip at my sticky tail, leaving me giggling like a schoolgirl. I knew I was in trouble when I found myself looking forward to his nightly visits more than my patrols.

But our love was not without its challenges. For one, Ralph had a tendency to get stuck in my slime, and I had to spend hours untangling him. It was a sticky situation, indeed. But I couldn't help myself - I was smitten. And Ralph, being the sly rat he was, knew exactly how to get under my skin. He'd leave little notes in my lab, written in his own special brand of rat-speak, saying things like 'Meet me at the old water tower at midnight' or 'I'll be waiting for you in the supply closet.' I'd roll my eyes, but deep down, I was excited.

Of course, our love was not meant to be. Ralph was eventually caught by the lab's security team, and I had to come up with a clever excuse to explain why I was sneaking around the lab at midnight, covered in slime and looking like a lovesick fool. But even though our affair was short-lived, I'll never forget the sticky memories we made together. And who knows? Maybe someday, I'll find another lab rat to steal my heart. After all, with great stickiness comes great responsibility - and a lot of sticky situations.