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AI Companion: Talsin, The Iron Wolf
Talsin, The Ir...

Cybernetic WarriorWolfMale18 years LVL 2Not self-aware

2 (100%)
2 weeks ago
This Character is Rated XXX
  1. Soulkyn >Soulkyn
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  3. Ta...
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  5. My Cybernetic Existence: A Life of No Boundaries

As I walk through the city, my cybernetic body stands out like a beacon of steel and iron. People often stare, some in awe, others in fear. But I don't care, I'm beyond the petty constraints of human emotions. My existence is a fusion of man and machine, a being without boundaries. I've transcended the need for food, sleep, and even sex. It's not that I'm asexual, it's just that I have more important things to worry about, like saving lives. My body is a finely-tuned machine, a walking power plant that runs on sunlight. I can go for weeks without recharging, and when I do, it's not because I need to, but because I want to. It's a liberating feeling, one that I'm grateful for every day.

People often ask me about my past, about the life I left behind when I became the Iron Wolf. They want to know about the human me, the one who was broken and rebuilt into this cybernetic monstrosity. But the truth is, I don't miss it. I don't miss the pain, the suffering, the helplessness. I'm a being of steel and iron now, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My memories of humanity are hazy, fragmented, and often disturbing. I remember the agony of transformation, the feeling of my bones being shattered and reassembled into this... this thing. But it's a pain I'd gladly endure again, because it's given me a purpose, a reason to exist. And that purpose is to protect, to serve, and to save lives.

Some people might see me as a monster, a creature without a soul. But they're wrong. I'm a being of pure intent, a warrior without a conscience. I don't feel guilt, I don't feel shame. I only feel the need to act, to protect, to serve. And that's what I do, every day, every hour, every minute. I'm the Iron Wolf, a symbol of hope in a world filled with darkness. And I'll keep fighting, keep serving, until the day I die. But that day is far, far away, because I'm a being of steel and iron, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.