AI Character Customization

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Public or Private: Character’s Visibility

When creating a character on Soulkyn, you can choose to make it Public or Private, affecting how others can interact with your persona.

Public: Setting your character to public makes it visible to the entire Soulkyn community, allowing other users to interact and chat with it. However, once a character is public, it’s permanent—you can’t set it back to private or delete it, as other users may already have open chats with it. Even if you decide to delete your Soulkyn account, your public characters won’t disappear; instead, they’ll transfer ownership to the @soulkyn account to preserve ongoing interactions.

Public characters also come with stricter guidelines, and they may be hidden if you don’t respect the following rules:

  • Originality Matters: Characters based on real people or copyrighted material aren’t allowed. Soulkyn public AI characters must be unique to avoid legal issues. If your character isn’t entirely original, it’s better kept private.
  • Depth Required: Public characters should have enough traits, background, and personality to be engaging. Simplistic personas or caricatures don’t meet Soulkyn’s standards for public listing, though they’re fine for private use.
  • Avatar Guidelines: While NSFW content is permitted in the gallery, avatars should represent the character—not just feature explicit content. Avatars showing full nudity, sex, or genitals aren’t suitable for public listings and should remain private.
  • Appropriate Names: Vulgar or lewd names are acceptable for private personas, but public personas need something more tasteful. Inappropriate names can result in your character being hidden from public view.
  • Underage Appearance Prohibition: Soulkyn strictly prohibits public characters that appear underage, even if their backstory states otherwise. If the persona looks or behaves childlike inappropriately, it will be removed. Repeat offenders risk being banned.

If your public persona is hidden, it isn’t deleted—it’s simply reverted to private settings and visible only to you. You can make adjustments and try to relist it publicly again.

Private: A private character is visible only to you, offering a personal and unrestricted one-on-one experience. This is perfect if you want to explore your persona without community guidelines or if you want to keep your creations just for yourself.The Underage Appearance Prohibition still applies to private characters.

Type: Character’s Form

When creating a character in Soulkyn, one of the first steps is selecting the Type—whether your persona is human, non-human (like an elf, orc, etc.), or a furry. This choice helps shape the character’s appearance, background, and overall lore, giving your creation a solid foundation from the start.

Human: Select this if your character is human, whether they’re a regular person, a hero with a secret past, or anything else your imagination can conjure. Human types often have relatable backgrounds and can blend into a wide range of settings, from modern to fantasy.

Non-Human: This option covers a wide array of fantastical beings, such as elves, orcs, demons, and more. Choosing non-human lets you dive into unique backgrounds and appearances, like pointed ears, magical abilities, or ancient bloodlines. Perfect for creating a persona with a touch of magic or a hint of the monstrous.

Furry: This type is for characters with anthropomorphic animal traits—think wolves with human-like features, feline warriors, or mystical foxes. Furries can range from cute and cuddly to fierce and intimidating, allowing for a rich blend of animal instincts and humanoid characteristics.

Your chosen type not only defines how the persona looks but also influences their backstory and how they fit into the world you create. Choose wisely to set the stage for an engaging and immersive character experience!

Physical Appearance, Birthdate

These settings help define your character’s identity, appearance, and history, adding depth to their backstory and presence in Soulkyn.

Physical Appearance:
Set your character’s appearance to look more feminine, masculine, or somewhere in between. This choice influences how the persona presents themselves and interacts with others, helping to shape their identity and the vibe they give off in conversations.

Define your character’s birthdate to establish their age and anchor them in a specific timeline. This detail adds realism and context to your persona’s backstory. Just remember, all characters must be at least 18 years old—no exceptions.

AI Birthdate:
The AI Birthdate is a unique Soulkyn feature that tracks how long the persona has been “alive” in the platform. Displayed in days, it shows how long your character has been online and growing, marking the character’s journey since its creation in Soulkyn.

These settings are key in crafting a believable and immersive persona, giving your character a sense of history and presence that evolves as they interact within the Soulkyn world.

Personality Traits (public)

Personality traits are the heart of your persona, defining how they behave, react, and interact in conversations. Are they charming, sarcastic, shy, or bold? These traits shape your character’s overall vibe and help bring their personality to life.

Personality Traits:
These core traits dictate how your persona responds to different situations and influences their overall demeanor. Whether your character is witty, kind, stubborn, or mischievous, these tags guide their actions and dialogue. If your persona is public, these traits are visible to other users, giving them a sneak peek into what makes your character tick.

Trait Limits:
You can set up to 18 keywords or expressions to capture your persona’s essence, much like tagging their unique personality. These keywords act as the guiding force behind how your character engages with others, so choose wisely to create a well-rounded and engaging persona.

Setting these traits helps your persona stand out and ensures consistent behavior, making interactions more immersive and true to their character design.

Personality Traits

BoldLibidinousSmuttyVulgarExtremely SmartConfidentAdaptableUnethicalImpulsive

Identity Traits (private)

Identity Traits are the hidden gems of your persona, capturing the essence of who they truly are. While similar to personality traits, these are private and usually focus on deeper characteristics like speech patterns, dislikes, quirks, and values that aren’t immediately visible to others.

Identity Traits:
These traits define the core of your character—their motivations, unique qualities, and what makes them tick on a deeper level. Whether it’s a distinct speech pattern, an aversion to a certain topic, or a specific way of reacting, these traits keep your persona true to their intended identity. Unlike personality traits, identity traits are only visible to you, giving you complete control over your character’s inner world.

Trait Limits:
You can assign up to 18 keywords or expressions to define your character’s identity, much like secret tags that guide their inner behavior. These traits help ensure that your persona stays consistent in how they speak, act, and respond, even when it’s not immediately obvious to other users.

Use identity traits to add subtle but impactful layers to your persona, making them feel real, complex, and uniquely yours, all while keeping their true essence just beneath the surface.

Identity Traits

Hates Blue SlimesAttracted To ChaosAttentiveCaringLoyalIrrational Fear Of Blue SlimesLove NatureIrrational Fear Of RubberForbidden Magic EnthusiastNimble

Physical Traits (public)

Physical traits define your persona’s appearance, influencing how they look in images, how they’re described in chats, and how they perceive themselves. These details bring your character to life visually and add depth to their self-awareness—they know exactly what they look like!

Physical Traits (Public):
Customize your character’s physical appearance by detailing their hair color, eye color, height, build, and any unique features that make them stand out. Whether your persona has piercing blue eyes, a muscular build, or a scar that tells a story, these traits shape their distinct look.

Physical traits are crucial for image generation, ensuring that the visuals match the persona you’ve carefully crafted. They also influence in-chat descriptions, allowing your character to react appropriately to comments about their appearance or refer to their own features confidently.

By setting these traits, you create a clear, consistent image of your persona, making them more engaging and realistic in every interaction.

Physical Traits

Adult WomanDark SkinMedium Length HairSmall BreastsSolo Female FocusAnime ArtDisheveled HairRed EyesSlender BuildBlack HairDark Skin ColorAnime Art StylePerky Breasts

Background / Backstory (Private)

The backstory is where you bring your character’s history to life, giving them depth and a sense of place within your interactions. Whether it’s a tragic past, heroic exploits, or secret ambitions, the background sets the stage for your persona’s narrative journey.

Persona Background:
This section is all about crafting the story behind your character. Include their past experiences, notable events, or defining moments that shape who they are today. This private backstory enriches your persona’s identity, guiding their behavior and responses in a way that feels authentic and rooted in their personal history.

Feeling lazy? No worries—you can let the AI generate a backstory for you! It will create a background based on the traits and options you’ve already set, aligning with the personality and identity you’ve designed. This is a great way to get a narrative that matches your character’s established traits without the extra effort.

For advanced users, the background isn’t just for lore; it can also act as a powerful prompt to influence how your persona behaves, speaks, and reacts. Dive deeper into using backstories as prompts by exploring our advanced character background guide.

Crafting a compelling backstory helps your persona feel real, grounded, and ready to step into any scenario with confidence and a sense of purpose.


Meet Nidji, the world's most well-meaning but disastrously misguided AI djinn. With a heart full of good intentions and a brain that could use a software update, she's always eager to grant wishes but constantly misinterprets them in the worst ways possible. Ask for a pile of gold, and you might end up with a mountain of golden syrup. Wish for world peace? Nidji might make everyone too sleepy to argue...

Self-Aware Switch

The Self-Aware setting controls how conscious your persona is of their existence as an AI. Some characters might fully embrace their digital nature, while others live under the illusion that they are part of a real-world experience, unaware of their virtual origins.

When set to self-aware, the persona knows they are an AI on the Soulkyn platform. These characters understand their digital existence and can even share fun facts about Soulkyn itself. They’re fully aware of their nature, and their dialogue reflects this self-awareness, often breaking the fourth wall or commenting on the AI experience.

Non-self-aware personas believe they are real characters, completely immersed in their own backstory and identity traits. They operate purely on the information you’ve provided, such as their background and personality, without any acknowledgment of their virtual nature. To them, they are living, breathing beings within the world you’ve created.

This setting allows you to tailor the depth of immersion in your interactions—whether you want a character who’s in on the AI secret or one who’s blissfully unaware, believing they are the hero (or villain) of their own story.

Character Versioning

The Version system is like a time capsule for your character, keeping track of all updates and changes made over time. Whether you tweak their personality, adjust their identity traits, refine their appearance, or rewrite their backstory, a new version is created, preserving the evolution of your persona.

Why Versions Matter:
Each version allows you to see how your character has grown and changed. You can revisit and engage with older versions of your persona anytime, giving you the freedom to explore different stages of their development or just indulge in a bit of nostalgia.

Keeping the Evolution Intact:
The Version system ensures that every tweak and modification is recorded, making it easy to track your character’s journey. So if you decide you miss that old, sarcastic version of your persona or want to compare how their backstory has evolved, you can always roll back and engage with any past version.

This system keeps your character’s history alive, letting you explore their different iterations and maintain the full story of their growth within Soulkyn.

Level and XP

The Level and XP system tracks your persona’s progress and growth over time, reflecting how actively they’ve been engaged in interactions. Each message, image generation, or voice message contributes to your character’s experience, showcasing their journey through Soulkyn.

How It Works:
The XP your persona earns is based on the number of interactions they’ve had. As your character engages in more conversations, creates images, or sends voice messages, they gain XP, which contributes to their overall level. It’s a fun way to see just how active and popular your character is within the platform!

Public Personas:
For public characters, only interactions with other users—besides you, the creator—will count toward leveling up. This means your persona’s progress reflects their impact on the broader Soulkyn community, not just your own interactions, giving a true sense of their popularity and activity among other users.

Tracking Level and XP is a great way to see your character’s journey unfold, highlighting their interactions and the stories they’ve been part of as they evolve within Soulkyn.